Posts Tagged ‘book review’


S4E0 – The Return of the Podcast (Season Four Announcement)*


Announcing the return of the podcast – season four of “No Deodorant in Outer Space” drops in 2019 !!!

After taking a hiatus from the podcast to focus on my writing I decided I missed it. So, I spent the last year recording an entire brand new season, which I’m now in the process of editing for release starting in January of 2019. The format will essentially remain the same with a semi-monthly critical discussion of classic and contemporary literature turned into visual media focusing on science fiction, fantasy and horror. What’s changed is that there will not be dedicated co-hosts, instead I’ll be rotating guests for every subject premise. Don’t worry, my old co-hosts and some frequent past guests all make return appearances. Releases will be on Tuesdays: a Preview Episode on the 1st Tuesday, a Book Review on the 3rd Tuesday and a Movie Review on the 4th Tuesday.

So, please look forward to a brand new season! I hope you enjoy it!

-Ryan Sean O’Reilly

* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.


S3 – Wrap-Up Episode (finale)*

Listen to the podcast here (click to play/right click and select “save target as” to download):



Ryan in his “robot” mode.

To wrap things up this year we attempted to do a season Wrap-Up Episode. Unlike last year, the conversation quickly devolved from review of the entire Season Three line up and turned more circuitously to reflections on the entire history of the podcast and the trials and tribulations of the hosts as they tried to keep this beast afloat. The discussion is more celebratory and, at times, nonsensical. We brought back two past guests: Mike O’Reilly and John (a/k/a Dole) Doyle to bring in some outside perspective.

Occasionally we did manage to get into the art of literature and film and there were some coherent thoughts that managed to squeak thru. All in all, we hope our jovial spirit puts a nice cap to this podcast and provides some reflective laughter along the way. Apologies for the general absurdity and thank you again for checking us out!


The NDIOS crew: Wilk, Rick and Ryan.

*** * ***



Ryan Sean O’Reilly

David Wilkinson a/k/a “Wilk”




Dole’s band’s website and links to videos of the band: (

Click here for other episodes with Dole.

Mike O’Reilly’s YouTube Channel:

Click here for other episodes with Mike O’Reilly

Wilk’s other podcast with his wife Laura Valle: “How to Avoid Murder …and other awkward situations



“Roadside Picnic (1972)” by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (book)

“Stalker (1979)” by Andrei Tarkovsky (Alexander Kaidanovsky) (movie) – Russian with English subtitles

“Dune (Dune Chronicles #1) (1965)” by Frank Herbert (book)

Film: “Dune (1984)” by David Lynch (Kyle MacLachlan) and SyFy: “Frank Herbert’s Dune (2000)” by John Harrison (William Hurt)

“I Am Legend” by Richard Matheson (book)

“True Detective” by Cary Joji Fukunaga (Matthew McConaughey) (miniseries)

“The Body Snatchers (1955)” by Jack Finney (book)

“Something Wicked This Way Comes” by Ray Bradbury (book)

“The Devil Rides Out (Black Magic #1) (1934)” by Dennis Wheatley (book)

“Nineteen Eighty-Four” by George Orwell (book)

“Watchmen” by Alan Moore (writer) / Dave Gibbons (artist) (graphic novel)

“Naked Lunch” by William S. Burroughs (book)

“Slaughterhouse-Five” by Kurt Vonnegut (book)


* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.


S3E12B – Dune (book)*


Please join us in a disjointed conversation about the greatest story ever told. 

– Rick


Book: “Dune (Dune Chronicles #1) (1965)” by Frank Herbert

Ryan: 5 Stars “…f**king Dune, nuff said…”

Wilk: 5 Stars “…I recognize why people love this and like it and its overall concept, but you kind of gotta stick with it to get that out of it…”

Rick: 5 Stars “…quintessential intergalactic space opera…laden with a lot of political intrigue and a lot of great ideas…”



iron-maiden-piece-of-mindDuring the show, Ryan talked about Frank Herbert using omniscient point of view. A technique not commonly used in modern literature. He cited an article about this that can be found here: An interview conducted years about by Dalton Books with Frank Herbert and director David Lynch, was also cited by Ryan, which can be found on YouTube in multiple parts here:

Rick mentioned that hard rock group “Clutch” has a song called “Prison Planet,” from their eponymous album “Clutch.” While the lyrical contest doesn’t seem to be directly inspired by the book “Dune” it is about aliens and other good science fiction type content. Plus it’s just a great rock tune: Another well-known thrash metal act did take direct inspiration from the book for a song. The English band “Iron Maiden” released a song called “To Tame a Land” which can be found on their album “Piece of Mind.” Check out this tune on Youtube with lyrics at: Ironically, the author refused to let the band use the title “Dune” for this song because he wasn’t a fan of their type of music — check it out:


* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.


S3E11B – The Devil Rides Out (book)* 

*** This episode was also filmed live in High Definition with the help of our special guest, Dole. So if you wish to see the fireplace crackling in the background and watch us slog down make-shift snifters of dark craft brewery while Wilk rants on a tiny monitor via Skype–click the video below or visit our YouTube channel. ***



Ready to podcast!

Dole, Rick and Ryan

Craft Brewery!

Barrel-Aged Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout, 3 Floyd’s Russian-Style Imperial Stout Dark Lord (vanilla bean), Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Stout

This month I had Ryan and Dole over to record. They are great guests. I estimate they brought in $150 worth of craft beer. First time I ever tried the “Dark Lord,” from 3 Floyds Brewing Co.. It was aged a few years and bottle 175 of 800, or something like that. Very special, so much so, I was compelled to ceremoniously place my goat statue on the mantelpiece for the evening’s events. If only my Wiccan cloaks were back from the dry cleaners, I believe we might have conjured the Dark Lord himself. The recording almost didn’t happen as Wilk threatened to prematurely go to bed or watch a movie with Laura (his wife) or something. The technical difficulties Ryan and Dole had were colossal and postponed our start time by about an hour, but they persevered. Despite the late start time and a black hole vortex on the other end of the Skype call in Michigan, we managed to have a quality recording. Come back any time fellas. We need to practice the occult more often!

– Rick



Book: “The Devil Rides Out (Black Magic #1) (1934)” by Dennis Wheatley

Ryan: 4 Stars “…Why I’m not giving it five stars is because that…I thought the ending–it wraps up things a little bit too conveniently…

Wilk: 3 Stars “…I liked the audiobooks…it was kinda entertaining it felt like I was watching a Tarzan movie…with Satan in it…

Rick:  3 1/2 Stars “…I do appreciate the fact that it was grounded in a lot of research and facts…

Dole (special guest): 4 Stars “…I felt creeped out by it just because there was so much real stuff in the book I felt like dirty reading it…

(Click the links to read full written reviews on



aleister_crowleyDuring the episode we talked about the author doing extensive research to add an element of realism to this work. As part of his studies Wheatley interviewed none other than the infamous occultist, Aleister Crowley who had previously gained notoriety with his interest in black magic and residence at the “Boleskin House” (later owned for a time by guitarist Jimmy Page  of Led Zepplin). Rockstar and metal icon Ozzy Osbourne would later have hit a song about this man called Mr. Crowley (here’s a link to a live version on YouTube:

One of the interesting bits of research in the book that was mentioned by Wheatley, was the act of hypnotizing chickens by simply drawing a line in the ground. You can watch demonstrations of this strange phenomena on YouTube videos such as this one:

Dennis Wheatley was a part of the war effort during World War II when he was engaged to use his creativity to write various war papers including a treatise on how Britain could be invaded. He was a member of the London Controlling Section which worked on secret coordinated strategic military deception and cover plans (see Wikipedia article on Dennis Wheatley). One such famous plan that came out of this department was “Operation Mincemeat,” which involved planting fake invasion plans in a corpse and letting it be discovered to divert Germany’s attention from the real battle plans.  The BBC produced a special (A Letter To Posterity) on Wheatley’s life that discusses a letter written by the author that was sealed in a time capsule and left for the world to discover at a later date. You can check this out on YouTube here:

Returning special guest, John Doyle (a/k/a Dole), came on the show and talked about some recent studio time with his metal band, “I Decline.” They continue to work on their epic, space trilogy project known as “The Galaxies,” which is being produced by Sandford Parker. Find their music on iTunes and their website:

John wrote and composed the theme music for the podcast, helped on our video special (Video Special: Culver Indiana and Vonnegut: a documentary), and has joined us on other past episodes including: “Nineteen Eighty-Four” by George Orwell (book) and “Something Wicked This Way Comes” by Ray Bradbury (book).


* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.


S3E10B – The Golden Compass (book)*


We were so excited to cover this material over the last few months, I just couldn’t contain myself during the show. As a matter of fact, I grew increasingly relieved that I didn’t bother to read the book as the evening proceeded. Ironically, I was the asshole who suggested we read it as we started organizing this season. Guess the book served as a valuable lesson solely for Ryan and Wilk.  Now, they are in a better position to realize organized religion is a bane of the world. With that, I leave you with this; the wise Maud’Dib famously remarked, “There is no escape—we pay for the violence of our ancestors.”

– Rick


Book: “The Golden Compass a/k/a Northern Lights (His Dark Materials #1) (1995)” by Philip Pullman

Ryan: 4 Stars “…A tale told by a crackling, comforting fire while the bitter northern winds gust dangerously against the window panes outside…

Wilk: 3 1/2 Stars “…If you’re reading this review you’re too old for this book…

Rick: 1 Star “…just a bunch of blither aimed at children…” (Caveat: please note the disclosure in Rick’s Show Notes for the book episode.)

(Click the links to read full written reviews on



On the episode we mentioned that one of the characters is named Lord Azrael, not to be confused with sinister cat named Azrael on “The Smurfs” cartoon:

In The Golden Compass, the characters have familiars which are psychically tethered to their bodies and function a bit like an inner conscious, companion and soul. These animals are referred to as “Daemons” — not to be confused as “Demons” although they are pronounced the same. Here is a short article on the pronunciation: Here’s a Wikipedia entry on Daemons in Philip Pullman’s fantasy world:

lord-of-the-rings-six-booksSome of the conversation on this episode were about the Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien. The Rings trilogy was originally turned into the publisher in the form of six smaller works with suggested titles. The publisher repackaged the manuscripts into the now-famed trilogy, however a few years back a version of the books was bound in the way Tolkien had originally suggested. If you want to know more about this check out this website:


Lastly, Wilk and his wife Laura Valle started a true crime podcast called, “How to Avoid Murder …and other awkward situations,” which he plugged at the end of the show. You may remember that Laura Valle joined us (with our former co-host Beam) for discussion on The Hellbound Heart and Hellraiser during our special torchlight recordings.

The website for their podcast is: You can also find it on iTunes here:


* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.