Review: “Flowers for Algernon” – Daniel Keyes

Posted: April 18, 2016 in Daniel Keyes
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S3E2B – Flowers for Algernon (book)*


In our second show this season we covered a classic and acclaimed book. Things got off to a rough start when someone decided he was going to fact check all the words used that he did not understand, this further digressed into a quizzical 3rd grade discussion about basic mathematics terminology.

After this sabotage attempt, the debate picked up. Wilk blasted the book’s concept and basically wrote it off for the rest of the show. He continued to cherry pick digs on his co-hosts while providing almost zero insight on the book’s qualities. The stunt resembled a vacuum of intergalactic negligence, as it unfortunately sucked all traces of positive energy from the show.

Eventually we made it out alive, and even got to caressing each other by the end of the recording.



Ryan: 3 1/2 Stars “…A journey of self that is both compelling and crushing in its introspection…

Wilk: 3 Stars “…It’s better served as a short story. The story wasn’t character driven and the events were not all that exciting…

Rick: 4 Stars “…A story that compels you to invest with the main character, Charly, as he tragically experiences a precipitous rise and fall from his innocent humble beginnings…

(Click the links to read full written reviews on



On the show we mentioned that Daniel Keyes received SFWA’s Author Emeritus Award. Here is a link to his acceptance speech at the 2000 Nebula Awards on Scott Edelmen’s YouTube Channel where he reflects on his success with “Flowers for Algernon”:

* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.

  1. […] Podcast: If you enjoy my review (or this topic) this book and the movie based on it were further discussed/debated in a lively discussion on my podcast: “No Deodorant In Outer Space”. The podcast is available on iTunes, Tune-In Radio, Stitcher, Google Play Music, YouTube or our website ( […]

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