Posts Tagged ‘David Jason’


S4E12M – Hogfather (BBC miniseries)*


Wherein we take our final curve around the Disc this holiday with former co-host, Richard Mehl a/ka/ Rick, and his wife, Discworld fan, Heather Mehl! 

Right out from under the flapping fins of the giant space faring sea turtle we were reminded by Rick just how problematic and conspiratorial he feels about BBC adaptations. Heather couldn’t disagree more and this episode got increasingly bonkers as it gained momentum coming to a conclusion as zany as its subject. Ryan rolled with the dips and dives holding steadfast and predictably milquetoast in his appreciation for visual works coming out of Britain.  

Despite any misgivings, there was a general consensus that even with, perhaps, a more limited budget and means, this miniseries managed to squeeze in a generous amount of the plethora of satirical detail typical to a Discworld book (Some even mentioned the possibility of repeat viewings for the future!). So, please, kindly enjoy this rip-roaring discussion that should at least bring as much eye-rolling and smirking as it did derision and malcontent.*


*Note: For podcast context, these episodes were recorded chronologically prior to the “Second Variety” and “Screamers” episodes Rick was on this season which were released before this one.



“Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather (2006)” by Vadim Jean (Michelle Dockery)

Ryan: 4 Stars “…a lovingly crafted live-action adaptation of an excellent book, which takes the time to incorporate and translate all the nuances of Pratchett’s multi-faceted satire and philosophical humor into a visual medium…

Rick: -27 Stars “…I thought it was distorted, filtered, sanitized for the capitalist world, sort of paying tribute to the overlords, the producers, the BBC; and I can’t believe Terry Pratchett allowed this version of his story to be broadcast…

Heather: 4 Stars “…a surprising amount of detail for what they were trying to encompass in the movie…



In this episode we talked about how the author was involved with the production of the miniseries. The screenplay credits him with having it “Mucked About By” him. In addition to that he made an on screen cameo with a character he named “Joshua Isme” who works for a store titled “Toys Is Me.”

The 45 minute documentary about the making of “Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather” entitled “The Whole Hog,” can be seen here”: As part of promotional efforts for the release of this first live action adaption of a Discworld book the character of Death was enlisted to do a parody video which helped viewers get more familiar with the author’s fantasy world setting. These 13 videos were comprise the “Twelve Days of Hogswatch” which can be viewed at this playlist here:

Lastly, the other podcast mentioned by Ryan was an episode of “The Sewers of Paris” with guest Scott Flashheart called “How to be Awesome (Ep. 133-Terry Pratchett)”:


* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.


S4E12P – Preview Episode (Hogfather)


“Hogfather (1996)” by Terry Pratchett

“Who would want to harm Discworld’s most beloved icon? Very few things are held sacred in this twisted, corrupt, heartless—and oddly familiar—universe, but the Hogfather is one of them. Yet here it is, Hogswatchnight, that most joyous and acquisitive of times, and the jolly, old, red-suited gift-giver has vanished without a trace. And there’s something shady going on involving an uncommonly psychotic member of the Assassins’ Guild and certain representatives of Ankh-Morpork’s rather extensive criminal element. Suddenly Discworld’s entire myth system is unraveling at an alarming rate. Drastic measures must be taken, which is why Death himself is taking up the reins of the fat man’s vacated sleigh . . . which, in turn, has Death’s level-headed granddaughter, Susan, racing to unravel the nasty, humbuggian mess before the holiday season goes straight to hell and takes everyone along with it. (from

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“Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather (2006)” by Vadim Jean (Michelle Dockery)

“From the mind of Terry Pratchett comes “Hogfather,” a fantastic miniseries set in a parallel universe. It’s the night before Hogswatch on Discworld, and the Hogfather has gone missing, in a plot by the evil Auditors to destroy human belief and make the planet their own. Death takes Hogfather’s place to deliver presents to all the children at the mid-winter festival.” (from



* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.


S2E8 – Color of Magic (book/movie)*

Listen to the podcast here (click to play/right click and select “save target as” to download):



Ryan: 4 Stars “…A right good romp on the Disc, full of madcap adventure and plenty of wonderment (plus a dash of introspection for good measure)!…

Wilk: 4 Star “…Four stars was a leap but there’s no going back now. It will be the last terry Pratchett book I read, as it was so similar to the other one I’ve read…

Rick: 4 Stars “…Terry Pratchett’s inaugural Disc World book should be compulsory reading for all fans of fantasy and science fiction. The book masters the line between hilariously mocking and triumphantly advancing the relevance of the fantasy genre...

(Click the links to read full written reviews on



“The Color of Magic” by Terry Pratchett

Book: “The Color of Magic” by Terry Pratchett

“The beginning of the hilarious and irreverent series that has more than 80 million copies worldwide, The Color of Magic is where we meet tourist Twoflower and wizard guide Ricewind, and follow them on their always-bizarre journeys.

A writer who has been compared to Mark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut, and Douglas Adams, Sir Terry Pratchett has created a complex, yet zany world filled with a host of unforgettable characters who navigate around a profound fantasy universe, complete with its own set of cultures and rules.” (from

*** * ***

“Terry Pratchett’s The “Colour of Magic” by Vadim Jean (Sean Astin)

“Terry Pratchett’s The Colour of Magic” by Vadim Jean (Sean Astin)

“Failed wizard Rincewind (Bafta Winner David Jason, Hogfather) is so bad at magic he only knows one spell. And he doesn’t even know what it does. This goes some way to explaining why he is expelled from the Unseen University for Wizards.

Rincewind, Twoflower and the Luggage tackle angry Druids, Barbarians, fire breathing dragons and mountain trolls on their travels. Twoflower thinks everything is a wonderful adventure. Rincewind just wishes he was back home in Ankh-Morpork. ” (from




He felt her hot breath against his face, never forgetting that she was as sexless as a spinning top. Her presence was perfunctory. Her words meant nothing. Still, she spewed them, holding an unconscious llama over her head. His eyes darted with the twitch of the llama’s tale. Where did she get such strength; where did she find such small llamas? The animal was not a newborn, but it was well below average size. Did she save llama runts? Was she raiding llama liveries, just to save the runts so she could hold them over her head while taunting men? He signed heavily, resolved internally that he was indeed not going to be able to bowl that night.

But she didn’t have to know that. She could hold that llama and just sweat about it.

The above passage is taken from an upcoming book about the life of Terry Pratchett as told through a man who enjoys bowling. He is being pursued through time by an infinite army of people who have slipped backward in time a nanosecond. They are able to see him because he exists simultaneously in both the past and the future, functioning as a filter for time and space. He can assist people who have slipped in time. He alone can help them communicate with their loved ones (and in some cases their project supervisors.)

As it turns out, most llamas are filters for time and space as well. And as it would also turn out, in a vast universe, one planet sent an entire species of shape-shifting pranksters well back in time in an effort to dispose of them humanely. This species, the Spelucites, have traveled through earth due to the large amount of filters and the large amount of discarded food. While all living things can only exist in one moment (with the exception of filters), a discarded French Fry is forever. This species is determined to move forward in time, leap-frogging the human race, and simultaneously tripping every human being on the planet. While it is not the most evil scheme, it is still a scheme that would result in no good whatsoever and quite possibly end humanity. And, this is the tale that we will explore when David Wilkinson’s “The Filter” hits bookstores next year.

On the podcast we limited our discussion to a book that has already been written. It was called “The Colour of Magic”. We all liked it. Other things we all like include: Ham, Beer, not having Leprosy,  and..,thats it. And, the “not having Leprosy” thing is barely agreed on by the three of us. So, while we all liked the book I do not recall anyone loving it. One host, me, thought that it was very “British”. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But that in order to love it we would need to be more entrenched in the references and cultures from whence it came. Also, we don’t use words like “whence” a lot. But, overall, it was a strong book from a favorite author. And it was, British. Very British.

The movie, like the book, was British. It was done with BBC production values, which helps to explain why Britain is no longer an empire but merely a nation. But, that being said, it was well done and well adapted. Worth watching if you don’t want to watch Jaws again.

So, all things considered, cover yourself in blood pudding and hope for the best, because there is no deodorant in outer space!!!!! -Wilk



For a fairly comprehensive biography on Sir Terry Pratchett, check out this article written by Colin Smythe, “The L-Shaped Web: Just Who is Terry Pratchett?” found here:



* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.


S2P8 – Color of Magic (book/movie)*

Listen to the podcast here (click to play/right click and select “save target as” to download):



“The Color of Magic” by Terry Pratchett

Book: “The Color of Magic” by Terry Pratchett

“The beginning of the hilarious and irreverent series that has more than 80 million copies worldwide, The Color of Magic is where we meet tourist Twoflower and wizard guide Ricewind, and follow them on their always-bizarre journeys.

A writer who has been compared to Mark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut, and Douglas Adams, Sir Terry Pratchett has created a complex, yet zany world filled with a host of unforgettable characters who navigate around a profound fantasy universe, complete with its own set of cultures and rules.” (from

*** * ***

“Terry Pratchett’s The “Colour of Magic” by Vadim Jean (Sean Astin)

“Terry Pratchett’s The Colour of Magic” by Vadim Jean (Sean Astin)

“Failed wizard Rincewind (Bafta Winner David Jason, Hogfather) is so bad at magic he only knows one spell. And he doesn’t even know what it does. This goes some way to explaining why he is expelled from the Unseen University for Wizards.

Rincewind, Twoflower and the Luggage tackle angry Druids, Barbarians, fire breathing dragons and mountain trolls on their travels. Twoflower thinks everything is a wonderful adventure. Rincewind just wishes he was back home in Ankh-Morpork. ” (from



* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.