Posts Tagged ‘A Life Kept Hidden’


S3E4B – Invasion of the Body Snatchers (book)*


Good lord. Someone is going to read this and get it and someone else is going to use this to justify their batshit world view. Tune in to see who!



Ryan: 3 Stars “…Interesting concepts that provide creepy fun for the whole pod to enjoy…

Wilk: 3 Stars “…A classic science fiction quick read that inspired a legion of movies, some of which far exceeded the breadth of the book…

Rick: 3 Stars “…Given how creatively the story and it’s characters were written, there still are solid antidotes that left me strongly suspicious this was just subversive propagandist red scare drivel…


(Click the links to read full written reviews on


Stealing Through Time (Book)

In the show Wilk mentioned that the author, Jack Finney, was very private and it was difficult to find out a lot about his life. Still, Wilk was able to dig out a biography in a literary criticism book called: “Stealing Through Time: On the Writings of Jack Finney,” By Jack Seabrook. (Note: On the podcast Wilk referred to the book as “A Life Kept Hidden,” which is actually the name of the first chapter which can be previewed on Google Books.

Wilk also mentioned that Jack Finney was friendly with author Richard Matheson, whom we also covered on this podcast when we reviewed “I Am Legend.”

Wilk also found an insightful article on this subject written by Maureen Corrigan for NPR’s Fresh Air called “The Sad Lesson Of ‘Body Snatchers’: People Change“. This article can also be heard in MP3 format on that webpage here:


* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.