S4E5M – The Screwfly Solution (TV episode)*


Wherein we get into an earnest discussion about this campy, pseudo-80’s-style visual adaptation of our subject science fiction horror story. I am joined again by Erika Doyle (artist: https://doyleaudiovisual.wixsite.com/erikaestefaniadoyle) and Amanda Andros (playwright: https://www.instagram.com/scribblergrrrl/).

While Erika thought that the nudity was done well she found the acting lacking and the level of gore morbidly humorous. Amanda thought that the way the violence was depicted undercut the disturbing nature of the tale. Ryan pointed out that the story was developed mostly from epistolary sources, and that despite this it was translated pretty decently on screen and very close to the source material.

Everyone seemed to feel that while b-style camp and dark humor was not in and of itself problematic, the way in which it was utilized here detracted from the deeper themes which the author explored in the original short story. This, as Ryan mentioned, despite the director and screenwriter being well-accomplished with their previous efforts.

Take a listen as we laugh and reflect on this well-intentioned, but over-the-top take on a horrific story!





“The Screwfly Solution (2006)” by Joe Dante for “Masters of Horror” (Jason Priestley) (TV episode)

Ryan: 2 1/2 Stars “…A creepy adaption of a science fiction horror tale. which manages to focus and update the storyline while remaining still faithful to the original narrative…

Erika: 2.13 Stars “…It was really a lot of blood…it was kind of funny and the acting was terrible…

Amanda: 2 Stars “…there were subtle differences in the storyline, but overall it was extremely horrifying, but also a bit low budget in its representation…





On the show we talked about director Joe Date’s collaborative web-series “Trailers from Hell,” which invites industry insiders (such as other famous directors) to provide commentary about existing movie trailers. It’s a sort of curation site that aims to provide some discerning guidance to modern audiences about the ever increasing back catalog of film content that has been developed over the years. Below are some links to content from this site regarding movies that Joe Dante worked on very early in his career as either an editor or director and while still under the tutelage of Hollywood’s famous b-movie producer Roger Corman. Check it out:


Another podcast mentioned by Ryan which discussed this work and pointed out the feminine aspects of the depiction of the aliens is: “Greetings from the Mirror” – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/greetings-from-the-mirror-zone/id1294039118?mt=2&i=1000394970628. Also, the story written by James Tiptree, Jr., that Ryan couldn’t remember the name for was: “The Women Men Don’t See” The novelette was nominated for a nebula award before it was revealed that James Tiptree, Jr. was actually a woman, and she withdrew the work from the ballot: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Women_Men_Don’t_See.


Lastly, below is a picture of Erika painting a mural in Chicago for which she was commissioned. Fun fact: Her helper is frequent show guest and theme writer (her husband) John Doyle a/k/a Dole.





* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.

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