S4E5B – The Screwfly Solution (short story)*


Wherein we discuss the intriguing and tragic life of this fascinating author and her unique perspective and influence on the speculative fiction genre exploring traditional themes of classic scifi with a voice all her own. I am joined by Erika Doyle (artist: https://doyleaudiovisual.wixsite.com/erikaestefaniadoyle) and Amanda Andros (playwright: https://www.instagram.com/scribblergrrrl/) marking the first occasion when the women folk outnumber the men folk on this podcast.

Issues of gender and femicide which are the subject of this narrative were delved into with detail. Ryan marked the hopeless tone that resolved in tragic revelation at the conclusion as a sort of warning tale for keeping perspective in the face of crises. Erika pointed out the various political and religious themes present which made this story feel relevant even today many years after it was written. Amanda found the horror presented disturbing, but done purposefully and thoughtfully. All agreed that this short story was a frightening take on violence and vulnerability that was written with a many-layered and multi-faceted masterful hand.

Listen in on this episode’s riveting conversation about an author who was far ahead of her time and her award-winning story of science fiction horror!




“The Screwfly Solution (1977)” by Raccoona Sheldon a/k/a James Tiptree, Jr. a/k/a Alice Sheldon (short story)

Ryan: 4 1/2 Stars “…An epistolary narrative unraveled with increasing tension as terror reigns abomination with insect horror…

Erika: 4.93 Stars “…I found a lot of humor…but it was kind of grotesque. Like morbid humor…Her prose was fantastic…

Amanda: 4 1/2 Stars “…I found it highly disturbing. I was able to get through that and see a microcosm of society and current events that are going on in the story, now. I think the author is brilliant in the writing…

(Click the links to read full written reviews on Goodreads.com)




During this episode we mentioned a recent biography on the author’s life published in 2015. This work entitled “James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon” can be found here (Kindle Edition): https://www.amazon.com/James-Tiptree-Jr-Double-Sheldon-ebook/dp/B00R17JHTA/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1529293741&sr=1-3&keywords=James+Tiptree. The biographer, Julie Phillips, was interviewed on both a podcast and video regarding her research. Those episodes were on the following programs: “Imaginary Worlds Podcast” (Episode: The Mysterious James Tiptree): https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/imaginary-worlds/id916273527?mt=2&i=1000337434574; and: “UO Today with Julie Phillips” (video): https://youtu.be/hnruglIT2VA. Another podcast mentioned on this episode that gave a thorough and informative overview of the author’s life based on a reading of the biography was: Galactic Suburbia Spoilerific – James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon by Julie Phillips – Podcast – https://galactisuburbia.podbean.com/e/episode-125-spoilerific-james-tiptree-jr/.

Also of interest on this topic is an NPR article by Stephen Burt “Author, Feminist, Pioneer: The Unlikely Queen Of Sci-Fi” which can be found here: https://www.npr.org/2013/08/11/193476887/author-feminist-pioneer-the-unlikely-queen-of-sci-fi.

This author has an award based on her. The James Tiptree, Jr. award is “An award encouraging the exploration & expansion of gender.” More information on that and its past winners can be found at their website: https://tiptree.org/.

At least four of the stories written in the author’s anthology “Her Smoke Rose Up Forever” are available to listen to FREE in podcast audio format at highly reputable online science fiction magazines including the subject of this episode. Continue the adventure here:

The author, whose name Ryan couldn’t recall, and who was responsible for bringing about the Science Fiction New Wave movement which started in the United Kingdom before it came to the United States was Michael Moorcock. Here is a photo of the book which Ryan was reading around that time about that author’s most famous main character:



* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.


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